
1968年,美国绅士乔治布朗,通过潜心研究,发明了一种用真人发(human hair)手工编织(hand tied)假发块的技艺。在当时,同传统机织(machine wave)假发套(conventional wig)相比,这种工艺可算是革命性创举。假发块戴在脱发人头上,通过黑色棉线锁边,从而固定在头顶。假发块上的真人发同本人健康头发,混合修剪直至融为一体。在后来数十年中,乔治布朗的一个经典广告,让那个年代很多美国老百姓耳熟能详——每次新闻结束后,布朗都会花十秒钟,当着全国的男女老幼,脱下一头不露痕迹的假发,随着一阵惊讶的化外音,布朗再戴上假发并微笑着说:欢迎大家加入我的发友俱乐部(HairClub)。





John Travolta’s appearance at the Oscars as a presenter in an impeccable, dense head of hair that revealed a somewhat unnatural, receding full hairline led us to examine Travolta more closely. It appears that Travolta has been wearing a hair system (aka hairpiece, toupee, hair wig) to mask some of his receding hairline or balding areas. Unfortunately for Travolta, the actor’s hair system mesh was detected on a high-zoom camera lens, confirming suspicions that the actor is wearing a hair system. As one can see in the photos below (click on photos to see maximum size), there is a visible hair mesh that is protruding from the right , indicating a sophisticated hair system is at work.

Read rest of article below photos (top two photos from 2006; bottom photo from 2007).

Click to enlarge and see hair piece mesh.

John Travolta, Hair Piece, Tupee

Hair systems such as the one that Travolta seems to be wearing are made with a fine mesh material to which hairs are put together meticulously one hair strand at a time. The hair system is supposed to have the hair attached in a way that does not show the mesh at all. Travolta’s hair system is likely to be expensive, but the hair did not perfectly conceal the mesh. Below the mesh, a transparent plastic material is used to attach the hair system to the skin.

John Travolta, Toupee, Hair Piece, Loss

Dr. William Rassman, a leading hair transplant specialist commented on these photos in his blog “If these photos are his, unfortunately for John Travolta, an aggressive photographer caught this view of what appears to be a hair system. From any reasonable distance, a good hair system looks like a normal head of hair and I complement the folks that made this system.”
